I need some sage advice people!

I am repairing a 2007 Les Paul Studio. Some body broke the head off at the angle with the neck.

It has glued back nicely.

But for the life of me I cannot get the re-staining right over the crack.

The guitar is finished in Red Mahogany. What I cannot fathom out is how to join the old finish with the new bit that's needed to cover the join. I have bare wood around the join. I haven't worked out how to take the finish coat off the neck where I want to lap the new stain up to.

What am I doing wrong? Do I need to strip the entire neck back to the body join and do the whole neck? I'd rather not! Or is there a simple way to join the two finishes invisibly?

I'm using StewMac Red Mahogany stain. Could I tint the finish coat with that?

Oh crap - so many questions!


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Thanks Bill. I'm away for a week but will rip into it when I get back. Airbrush ordered!


Hi Bill,

I finally got OK with the airbrush and did what you told me. Not polished out yet (waiting for it all to harden off) but I'm well-pleased with the result. I eventually refinished the whole guitar with Red Mahogany tinted clear coats. Looks a dream. Thanks all for all your help

Over and out till next time



You have made a wonderfull job of the Guitar Mac.You will do well on your future repairs. If you ever need any more help just give us a hoot.  Bill........

Yeah, that looks nice.  I've had some luck with an airbursh too but it's still not "easy". Good work.


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