Jeff Perkins


El Cajon, CA

United States

Comment Wall:

  • Paul Verticchio

    Hi Jeff.

    re: the SG owner....

    Isn't it amazing that the most "anal" of players are also the ones that have failed to learn to treat their instruments with respect?

    At least this owner will be a source of $$$ for you.

    Best of luck my friend,
  • Steve Frost

    Hi Jeff- I saw your thread about the violin stash you've acquired. I build some mandolins, so I could be interested in some of the spruce and maple billets. I don't have much to trade, except a guitar set of Makore, AKA African Cherry. Don't know if that appeals to you, though I like do  it. Otherwise do you have a cash price for a curly maple billet, a spruce billet? Maybe a violin plane if you have too many? Picture of makore plank attache, before it was resawn. Thanks- Steve   Makore.JPG

  • William F.Eden

    Jeff I hate to be a pest but if you are not having any luck with your Martin neck just scrape and sand the finish off it.  But mask the top of the head piece AND WERE THE NECK ENTERS THE BODY. And start off with a yellow mixed laquer tinted stain and then the red mix i gave you . The last coat you can put a little black  in the red mix to blend it in around the heal and eadges of the neck. Just take a pice of Mahgany and do some practis piceses.Bill.