Kerry Krishna's Comments

Comment Wall (16 comments)

At 4:30pm on May 24, 2010, FRANK said…
have you seen honey i shrunk the kids i think i saw the machine you are looking for cheers phb hope it works out with the increadable shrunken finger board what about a replacement just so you wont need a veneer
At 3:52pm on April 18, 2011, Steve Baker said…

Hey Kerry,

Thanks, that's a Dove we repaired a couple of years ago. Real beauty. Here's our blog post about the repair. They are photogenic. -Steve

At 9:22am on May 8, 2011, Tim Hickey said…
Thanks very much for the advice and I will definitely check out your facebook page. I really appreciate it.
At 1:23pm on July 11, 2011, scott gannon said…
Yes Sir!  Well this is the coolest thing, read on
At 8:04pm on August 8, 2011, George Roberts said…


You seemed to appreciate the picture of my Washburn parlor guitar, and I was trying to send you a picture of another Washburn.  It wouldn't let me do it unless we were "Friends".

I didn't realize until today that you had responded at all.


At 12:47pm on August 18, 2011, George Roberts said…
At 12:49pm on August 18, 2011, George Roberts said…

Kerry, I finally figured out how to do this


At 9:49am on August 29, 2011, Tim Frank said…
Thanks! Yes, I built it.
At 5:01pm on January 19, 2012, Ian Supplee said…

I owned one at one point it got stolen and i needed a price i got a price from a local vintage dealer but i will miss it cause it was a family treasure my great grandfather played many shows with it. sick thing is they caught the guys but never found it =[

At 1:16pm on March 19, 2012, keith angus said…

Kerry; Guitarelic here in Alberta. Just saw your postings Re; the 'Players Pain(s)' matter and I was wondering if you could tell me what vitamin/pain-killer combo ur using? I'm 61 and spent 1/2 my life on the live end of a chain-saw on the left-coast;if that tells you anything. Where u at? (not mandatory)   Thanx

At 12:16pm on October 17, 2012, keith angus said…

Kerry: Guitarelic here again: thanx 4 the up date in/re to the players pains question. I just get out  my old Weider Grip-Master & do 50 reps. each hand every day. I can't afford pills & guitars at the same time. ANYHOO...thanx again for the info/support and hope things are going well in P.G./B.C. I was just down to Nelson first time for almost 15 yrs. and it seems like 1/2 the countryside is 4-sale from Nakusp 2 Balfour 2 Creston! W.T.F.?

At 2:50pm on January 30, 2013, David Edward Helmer said…

Hey man. Thanks for the info and reaching out. I am thinking keeping it just because it is so cool. But, just out of pure curiosity what would you offer? I don't wanna lead you on.


At 11:41am on August 19, 2013, Alan Osborne said…

Hi Kerry,

Thanks for the message ref (concave fingerboard) post/thread. I did wonder what was going on but thought it best not to comment at all. Some of the replies do stray of the subject quite a bit. Have been away for a bit so sorry for the late reply.....

Best regards.......Alan

At 8:38am on November 30, 2013, William F.Eden said…

Kerry I am Interested in the hot foil press for the type of work you pictured on that Kay kraft Guitar you had on a wile back .What do you think it would cost to have something like that done? And do you know anyone that dose that kind of work? Bill...........

At 1:16pm on June 14, 2014, charley erck said…

Kerry , you showed interest in the old ukulele.I'd like to share some photos

If you would like

At 2:35pm on May 20, 2015, Tom Paullin said…

Hi Kerry,

  Tom Paullin here. I sent you a message about my very old Kay Kraft guitar through my daughters facebook page, Amy Paullin.  If you collect Kay Kraft this guitar is around 70-75 years old and has been in its case forever.  It looks just like the one in the middle of your facebook page only mine has the gold gilding on the plastic plate on the face..(sorry I don't know what that is properly called)  Anyway, if you are interested I can send photos.  My cell is 916-201-1550.  Home 916-939-0605  I live in Sacramento, Calif

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