I have a customer with a Takamine GS330S. The bridge is lifting up and is made of plastic.
What type of adhesive do I use to reattach this to its cedar top?

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The molded plastic bridges on the 60's Gibson's were just bolted on, no glue.

I'm assuming this had a flat bottom on the bridge, if so, I'd take a saw blade and scrape some slight ridges into the bridge bottom, roughening it some, and glue it on with either hot hide glue or tite bond wood glue.

I've spent most of my life in the sign business. We use a double stick tape ( not the foam variety, but a film about 2 mils thick) that has an extremely aggressive adhesive. I am wondering if anyone has tried that for this purpose.
Do him a favor and install a wooden bridge on it. I've seen some of the old Gibsons with plastic bridges. They didn't work out too well. Plastic is a good material for a lot of applications but I'm not sure it is the best for an acoustic guitar bridge.
Ronnie Nichols
I agree plastic is not an acceptable material for a bridge which explains why Takamine switched to rosewood on later versions of this model, and Gibson dropped the idea altogether decades ago.
The problem is monetary. The guitar has a used value of around $200. Normally I would recommend junking, but otherwise the guitar is pristine.
What is wrong with my suggestion using hot hide glue or titebond?
I've never tried it but I'm positive it will work.

Otherwise you could conatct Takamine and see what they recommend.

Absolutely nothing wrong with your suggestion; it's the one I'm going with. Just that I'm always on the lookout for new methods; Thank you; didn't mean to sound ungrateful. Robert


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