hey everyone;
i was flipping thru the classifieds today and saw an ad for "fret rebuilding" as opposed to refretting. although i claim to in no way be any sort of authority, i have never heard of this ANYWHERE and the more i think about, the sillier it seems. i did shoot an email off to ask what exactly "rebuilding" a fret is / entails but i was wondering if anyone here had heard of it? i just can't see how you would "add on to a fret". if you could, i can't see it staying in place for very long. on top of that, IF you could, by the time it was added onto, shaped, leveled and recrowned it still seems like an awfully labour intensive way to fix it. way more than just replacing a fret or two. so my question is this. is this something i should be looking into as a new technique or is it simply a new way to be silly.