Hello again folks, I have another question...could be a tough one. As I noted in my last post, I'm cutting my teeth here and got an old junker to get me started. The 'junker' in question is a Castello acoustic guitar purchased from an Ebay seller in GA. The seller has a small guitar shop, and they knew very little about it. I thought I would mention it here to see if anyone can tell me more. I've Googled and Yahooed all over the place and can't seem to make any headway.
What I can tell you: it is made of birch plywood, with soft (too soft) wood fingerboard that had been stained black, brass frets, hand carved V neck with unintentionally asymmetrical headstock and crudely constructed and sloppily glued "lute" bracings/kerfing. The neck is either beech or maple, can't tell yet. It has the number 928 stamped inside in plain view from the sound hole and NOTHING else written or stamped anywhere. It doesn't look like a homemade job, just a low-end student grade guitar of some sort.
(( I've since re-glued many of the cracks and bracings and made a new bridge. So far so good. I've plans to make a new fingerboard for it and reset the neck. If it doesn't sound good acoustically, I might mount an old DeArmond in the sound hole and go electric when done. The neck feels amazing! One way or another I'm making the neck work.))
Oh, one other thing, I'm thinking of installing a non-adjustable Martin style truss rod in the neck since the finger board fell off the other day LOL! Is this advisable?
Any ideas? Many Many Thanks!