So I have a question to all out there more experienced then I. What do you all use to clean the dirt and what not from cracks? I feel I can repair cracks pretty well, but I have a problem with getting the cracks clean. What type of devices, and cleaning supplies do you use? Anything would help.


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I use the "reverse order of strength". I'll start with a dry brushing using a small, fairly stiff brush, followed by a vacuuming. Then, using q-tips, I'll use lighter fluid to break-out any wax or whatnot, then isoprophyl alcohol, and finally some deionized water. This usually gets done before leaving the shop for the night, then the guitar can sit overnight and dry. In the morning, it's time to close the crack. But I'd also like to hear what other folks do... as there must be some great time-proven methods out there.


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