I'm building an acoustic bass guitar.  I need to find extra-long binding for it.  What I need is 68" ... I can't find it anywhere. 

If this type of thing is not available ... what do builders of these large instruments do?

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are you trying to bind with plastic or wood?

you want to use two pieces of binding either way.  if you are really set on using one piece of plastic binding for some reason you can buy a sheet and make your own custom length.  if its wood you can make your own 68" piece.  

Alex, I'm not "Set" on anything other than avoiding more trouble than I need.  I'd also like to do this "right," to the extent that there is a "right."


So, can you explain what you mean by "you want to use two pieces of binding"?  Do you that the binding on the top (for example) will consist of two pieces, joining in two places on the perimeter?  Or do you mean one piece of binding for the 63" of the binding channel that I can buy, then another 5" or so piece to fill in the gap that's left over? 

Two strips of binding are usually used for the top (and back)...  with each piece started at the neck and then joined in the center at the bottom. 

If you wanted to use a single long piece, you could always scarf-joint two strips of binding together. Stewmac sells a nifty little spring-loaded gadget for holding binding together while it's glues, but there's no reason you couldn't make something up... just use teflon® blocks or something that the ABS cement won't stick-to. 


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