We're in the NW corner of Oregon, in the coast range, about 30 miles equidistant from Portland, Salem and the Oregon coast.  Seems to be raining like nobody's business!

At times like this, I always wonder " why didn't they build that bridge about 2-feet higher?"

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and then this shot, taken only 45mins later.... "bridge? what bridge?!"

I'll Bet the folks in Frank's neck of the woods would love to have some of that diverted to them!!!

Beautiful country, Mike!

Good idea, Hesh!  Then I could use the proceeds to fund a new bridge that sits about 2 or 3ft higher :)  Yeah, it's a gorgeous neck of the woods, but -like anything else- there's tradeoffs.... and this is certainly one of 'em. 

Eh, mebbe.  Now they're predicting El Nino will bring us similar floods.  My home shop has water running in a little ways during normal rains - hope it doesn't get too serious.  

Local survey just "moved" me into the 100-year flood plain, at 39 feet above sea level.   The major creek nearby runs through five different municipal and county  jurisdictions, so there's never been a coherent flood control plan for it.  Currently there are still some big tree branches, errant shopping carts and other obstructions in there. . .

When we bought the place in '02, there was no mention of flood insurance. Fast-forward to 2008 when we refinanced and -shazam!- the lender mandated we carry flood insurance.  

Basically FEMA had changed their criteria for what constitutes a flood zone after the whole Hurricane Katrina fiasco.  

Oh, heh-heh...I thought you'd never ask. It's $3K per year and no signs of ever going down. 

Frank: we religiously patrol the creek during our nicer months for any errant debris. Well-worth removing it when the chance presents itself. 


Mike, that will just insure that only the committed costumers make it to you!

and if they try to get over that bridge.... they SHOULD be committed :)

So... Isn't this when you realize that someone just finished the last roll of toilet paper?? 


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