If a Martin saddle was factory made to be 3/8" tall what percentage should clear the bridge? Would you split the height with the .225" slot? - nanccinut

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GOOD QUESTION I would want about1 ,3rd the way out of the slot in a ideal situation is the slot .225 deep or .225 wide ?
Was given the .225 figure by a luthier who makes ivory saddles and nuts in Alabama. He was talking slot depth. The 10/64th depth was given to me by Martin who obviously looked that number up from factory books I would think . Wonder how close this figure was to the actual production line. Anyone know someone who knows a expert from the factory when they built the D-18 in 1964? Be nice to get it right. Not sure what my slot depth will come back as when the lad gets it done, with luck by the first of the week but would be nice to be right . Sounds right to have 2/3 depth in the slot and 1/3 out to prevent leaning from string pressure which would cause minor intonation trouble and chance of splitting the bridge at the front of the slot on the high-E side which would be its weakest point. On the plus side if its too high from the factory experts I can remove a touch off the bottom of the bridge which should improve action a bit further on this old clunke. - nanccinut


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