Been working my way through this one for a few months but I've finally completed the headstock, and I guess I'm just feeling like sharing it. It's been a challenging restoration so far as I'm trying to be as accurate dimensionally as possible to the original, even though it was MIA when I got the guitar. Next step is to fit the dovetail which leads me to a question. Does anybody have an example, or know off the top of their head, the height that the neck should sit proud of the top surface at the heel? Measured from top to bottom of the binding would be best. Anyhow here's a shot from today.

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Eric, nice job, it looks beautiful!

Had a great show this weekend and the Super 400 was extremely well received. As luck would have it the legendary Del Casher and virtuoso Joe Bonamassa both came through the show and took the 400 for a spin. They are both incredible players and they made the guitar really sing. She goes back to her owner this week. In answer to the earlier question about the body being worthy, you betcha!

One last post on this one. Returned the 400 to it's owner and he was overjoyed with the results. He sent me an email today with these two pictures attached. Left to right it's Mid 50's, The sweet old 41, and an awesome 30's model. His comment was "she stacks up", which I think is good.............Looks like a nice stack to me.


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