What is the big problem again with the Epiphone DOT 335s?

  I am now admin on Facebook's 'Old Guitar Picker's site, and someone is considering actually buying one, BUT I remembered a few weeks ago several folks chiming in on a thread about some major problem with them?

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Hi Kerry.

I don't recall that discussion. I know that the MIJ 'FT' acoustics have a plethora of problems. I recall a recent discussion re those guitars where the consensus was: "Not worth the trouble".

I've setup a BUNCH of Dot 335's over the past few years. I consider them a major bang for the buck value. The 339 is even better ;) btw: There are a few DIFFERENT series of Epi Dot's out there. My comments apply to the plain top, standard unbound neck version.

The Epiphone electrics are like any other 'just above entry level' instrument. There are a lot of good ones, some dogs and some exceptional instruments.

For the casual player, a restring and basic setup with a fret level/recrown/polish/nut-work is usually all they need. For a working player, also upgrading the pickups & electronic components is HIGHLY recommended.

The only concerning inconsistency I've seen on them is their neck angle. Clue, if the TOM bridge has to be raised more than 3/8-1/2" to get good action, there's a neck angle concern.

I recommend these all the time, right after their 339. I URGE players to try the actual instrument before buying....because as I said, there are some real dogs out there.  Buying sight unseen is a crap shoot with ANY instrument.

Hope that helps :)


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