Cara Luft
  • 50, Female
  • Winnipeg, MB
  • Canada
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At 6:34am on May 12, 2009, Frank Ford said…
Cara -

Well, I first have to say that I have never played with a pickup on any instrument, so I have literally no experience at all listening to them. That's why I hand off questions to the folks in the shop who know more about that sort of thing.

That said, we have had the best success in getting good acoustic tone from the Trance Amulet, although I suspect it's not quite as easy to live with because it requires the outboard box, and special cable to connect the guitar. This is our most expensive system, so it's not the one we install most.

We do a lot with Highlander and have no particular problem installing it. It does require modification of the bridge by routing a 1/16" round bottom slot below the saddle, and if you're not set up to do that, it could be tricky.

For any more than that, I'd suggest you call the shop and talk to one of the other repair guys, or Derek in sales - he does a lot of gigging.

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