Howard hanson
  • 54, Male
  • Brentwood, CA
  • United States
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Comment Wall (3 comments)

At 5:05pm on April 23, 2009, Jeffrey L. Suits said…
You're kidding, right? You took that SERIOUSLY??

That letter was a SATIRE, in the spirit of Jonathan Swift's, " A Modest Proposal".

At 5:18pm on April 23, 2009, Jeffrey L. Suits said…
If I can be more clear: I was MAKING FUN of Berkeley leftwing fascists, who were, no doubt, sipping $4 coffees while reading the paper online, nodding and saying, "Mmm-hmm! Mmm-hmm!".

What I am discovering, in my autumnal career as a curmudgeon, is that when you push someone's hotbutton, they are unable to see the joke. I mean, really, more money, for turning in your own family members? Melting down guns in museums? The, "peaceful, nurturing society" that existed before guns? The concept that a police state, would be a, "safe, orderly, society?"
At 6:43pm on April 23, 2009, Jeffrey L. Suits said…

I'm deleting your letter, only because FRETS is an inappropriate forum for this discussion.

It's an ill wind that blows no good--I took the .38 out, cleaned it for the first time in years. There's some real crazies out there.

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