If I can be more clear: I was MAKING FUN of Berkeley leftwing fascists, who were, no doubt, sipping $4 coffees while reading the paper online, nodding and saying, "Mmm-hmm! Mmm-hmm!".
What I am discovering, in my autumnal career as a curmudgeon, is that when you push someone's hotbutton, they are unable to see the joke. I mean, really, more money, for turning in your own family members? Melting down guns in museums? The, "peaceful, nurturing society" that existed before guns? The concept that a police state, would be a, "safe, orderly, society?"
Comment Wall (3 comments)
You're kidding, right? You took that SERIOUSLY??
That letter was a SATIRE, in the spirit of Jonathan Swift's, " A Modest Proposal".
What I am discovering, in my autumnal career as a curmudgeon, is that when you push someone's hotbutton, they are unable to see the joke. I mean, really, more money, for turning in your own family members? Melting down guns in museums? The, "peaceful, nurturing society" that existed before guns? The concept that a police state, would be a, "safe, orderly, society?"
I'm deleting your letter, only because FRETS is an inappropriate forum for this discussion.
It's an ill wind that blows no good--I took the .38 out, cleaned it for the first time in years. There's some real crazies out there.
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