Obi T Monk
  • Male
  • Modesto, CA
  • United States
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At 6:45am on December 8, 2009, FRANK said…
I gave you 21 slices of walnut burl in exchange for an acoustic electric bass. There was no neck thru mentioned you spelled through wrong lol haha.. i counted 8 pieces not 21.OBI as i recall obi you and i went to the locker out off kernen AVE and picked up the wood and it was given to me before you lost the deal with the storage co and lost the chemical storage bin that was not good and tons of tools shit you could have craigs listed to put food on the table and paid me to build you a guitar but the kicker you had me kicked off the church Friday night band rehearsal at the church i attended for 2 years b4 you showed up then you were gone the next week and next after all that after that and the worship team was fucked with out a bass player because you decided to do it obis way. dam obi i need to be blunt here each time you and i make a deal it is always getting sweeter for obi and seams to be fucking Paul each time obi you may or may not see it happening but i sure do and i have feelings about it i am not going to build a acoustic guitar for anyone unless commissioned with cold hard cash i may build one for me to play thats it man when i look at the slabs you gave me they are all sawed up you went to town on the band saw one night and i really cant use much of the burl you left here for guitars if you want it back ill give it back it aint worth much like i said only 8 slabs that i received ill send photos if you need them

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