Hi Rory, The pic you have here seems to be a lap top of some sort.. Is it ? ,
and what does the rest of it look like.
I've made a couple of 6 string lap top guitars and they were tuned in C-th
didn't sound too bad aether. get back to me and let me kno -- ok???
Peace, Donald
Hey Rory- that's a nice looking lap steel the tunings are probably done in open
cords so the same tune can be played on both necks maby - donno...
meanwhile nice guitar.. peace, Donald
At 2:22pm on September 2, 2011, charley erck said…
Rory, the weisenborne style with spider cone sounds intriguing. Great that you are trying inovative things. I am a resonator fan. I am in hawaii , but used to live in Canada ,on Salt Spring Island.Where are you?
Share with us if you would , hoe the sound works out on the reso guitar. Charley Erck
Rory, I stained a Les Paul I built for my neice, I bought powdered stain in bright pink from a Co. called Lockwoods in NYC. it is a water or alcohol soluble stain and is very vibrant pink I will try to find a pic for you. good luck Davepink%20guitar.jpg
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and what does the rest of it look like.
I've made a couple of 6 string lap top guitars and they were tuned in C-th
didn't sound too bad aether. get back to me and let me kno -- ok???
Peace, Donald
cords so the same tune can be played on both necks maby - donno...
meanwhile nice guitar.. peace, Donald
Rory, the weisenborne style with spider cone sounds intriguing. Great that you are trying inovative things. I am a resonator fan. I am in hawaii , but used to live in Canada ,on Salt Spring Island.Where are you?
Share with us if you would , hoe the sound works out on the reso guitar. Charley Erck
Rory, I stained a Les Paul I built for my neice, I bought powdered stain in bright pink from a Co. called Lockwoods in NYC. it is a water or alcohol soluble stain and is very vibrant pink I will try to find a pic for you. good luck Davepink%20guitar.jpg
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