I recently bought an old Aria. It looks to be in very good shape. The pics are as I was replacing the strings. I am assuming it may be a Flamenco model. there is a model number inside the soundhole A541 serial # 00306. The seal also says Construccion
Arttistca de Guitarra. Made in Japan. I am not sure of the wood, maybe cypress. There just is not a lot of information about Aria other than what little I learned so far that this man named Aria took some spanish classsicals to japan and started reproducing them. But who he was, when that was and what year this model would be. I asked the U.S. importer and that is about all he could tell me.
I was hoping you may know more. Any information you may have would be greatly appreciated pertaining to the guitar or the man. After I restrung it even with the pegs ( which were harder than a machine head) I was surprised the strings pretty easily stayed in place and in tune. It sounds very crisp it has a lighter sound that my rosewood or mahogany models. I can not keep them all. I wish I could so I was hoping for any information including value if possible so I might write a knowledgeable description.

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