I have been building this guitar for a customer and he ask for a Satin finish and that is what I put on it. After i got done buffing  it is as shine as a gloss finish .Has any one have any ideas as to how I can get it back to the satin ??  I am afraid to take the steelwool to it.  This is my first try at a satin finish. help    Bill.......

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First and foremost never buff a satin finish (note the area on a satin guitar where ones arm rests is usually glossy). Best bet is wet sand with 600 and respray a light coat of satin mixed with some retarder ( for flowout ) and then leave it alone. The lack of buffing is what makes satin so popular today, but I still prefer a high gloss as all the work pays off in enhancing the woods beauty.

Thanks for the reply Eric.    I just whent over it all with 000 steelwool then over it again with a brown paper bag and it looks great.  thanks Bill.............


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