Hi guys, I was just gluing a tight crack in the front of the saddle slot in an old Martin. I used hot hide glue but I'm not real sure much of the glue actually wicked down into the crack. I did heat the bridge before and moved the front of the bridge a little to work the glue in. My question is...Would wicking thin CA around the area be all right after using the HHG ? I just hope the hide glue did the trick !


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There's a link named "upload files" under the text window of your reply.
iI think you need to clean your crack before using ca glue glue wont stick to old glue
Dave If you want to send a pic. at any time now after you have allready started the thread. You will see at the bottom of the [ Reply To This site] '' Upload Files'' click on it and you can brows throught your pictures open and pick the pic. you want to send. I hope this is of some help to you. Good luck on your next prodject .Bill.""""""""""
Ok, attempt to upload a pic-#1
Attempt #2 - a little larger this time
THANKS Bill and Pierre, I think I've got it.
The bridge is holding up very well guys.
Dave ~


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