The dark blue Dupont auto painting is complete on this old Granada with surprising positive results.With the hand made replica of a 64 D-18 bridge which looks great. Three laminated old ivory piano keys gives you a perfect 3/32nd dia for the slot saddle by the way and it shapes up perfect with 1500 sandpaper not even seeing where they were laminated. I had intensionally undersized the original dia of the pin holes for the black ebony pins I had bought not being given that dimention by Martin. Can someone tell me now what size of drill I need to proper complete the final hole size with? I realize there should be a reamed countersink also to be right on. What should the outer dia of the countersink be also would be a big help.? Plan on using Tightbond to glue the bridge to the soundboard so can someone tell me will that get the job done correct?
Big thanks in advance - nanccinut