The dark blue Dupont auto painting is complete on this old Granada with surprising positive results.With the hand made replica of a 64 D-18 bridge which looks great. Three laminated old ivory piano keys gives you a perfect 3/32nd dia for the slot saddle by the way and it shapes up perfect with 1500 sandpaper not even seeing where they were laminated. I had intensionally undersized the original dia of the pin holes for the black ebony pins I had bought not being given that dimention by Martin. Can someone tell me now what size of drill I need to proper complete the final hole size with? I realize there should be a reamed countersink also to be right on. What should the outer dia of the countersink be also would be a big help.? Plan on using Tightbond to glue the bridge to the soundboard so can someone tell me will that get the job done correct?
Big thanks in advance - nanccinut

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Hi Rob , measure the max dia. of the pins,drill a little smaller,then put a rat-tail file in your drill chuck and tape it at the correct dia.Now run the drill BACKWARDS and it will ream out the holes to a good taper .At least this works with my file , of course do a trial run on some scrap first.Len
Thanks Len for that tip. Heading for the hardware store. -nanccinut
where is the photo
Will have to wait till Santa delivers my digital camera for Christmas or sister-in law shoots it for me before the big day. Then will have to wressel with the photo program in this forum to get it posted. The clearcoat went well . A few ripples on the hard to sand back top section of the guitar but heck it gives the thing some character! Over-all very pleased with limited working conditions. Reamed out the tunning key holes so they now fit ok with new rat file firstso should be able to start handling tomorrow night after work to put them on.Will then glue on the bridge.It is hanging horrizontal on my bracket that Ihad made up that allowed me to turn it as I painted and it worked well. -nanccinut
I like the pin drill for pins. It is tapered and has the countersink. I also have just a taper reamer. I use what one I find first You want a loose fit but not much. The string holds the pin in as the ball pushes against the pin and the top. I usually bore the first to about 1/8 hole to get all the glue out first.



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