I just ordered a Taylor GC3 from a "chain" type guitar retailer. During the process, the salesmen told me that for another 100 dollars, I would get 3 or 4 setups a year for two years. I probably said too much when I replied, "A solidly built guitar should not need 4 full setups a year." They disagreed with me to the point that they raised their voices when explaining how wood reacts to the environment. As if I have never read an acoustic guitar magazine. They where shocked. This was pretty insulting to be honest. The only reason I went to the place was because they offered the best deal on a guitar that was coming straight from the factory anyway.
While I agree that measurements should be taken every once in a while to track the angles of the neck, what are the odds that the neck angle changes that dramatically over the coarse of two years? And if it did, the Taylor neck is very simple to adjust. If the neck is straight, don't mess with it. With that being said, while I have only done it once, I am confident in my ability to raise or lower the action at the bridge once the neck is solid. So, I would think that setups mainly consist of a checkup, cleaning, changing strings, and oiling the fret board.
I have been playing the guitar for over 15 years on guitars 1/3 the price of this Taylor. And the necks are fine on both. Once I had to learn how to adjust a truss rod because I got curious about what that little hex bolt in the guitar did. While reading up on it would have been the best route, it was easy to fix. I keep small humidifiers in all my guitars when I am not playing. None of them leave the house unless I am picking out on the deck.
So who is right here? Its not to late for me to pay for the two year set up plan. Is this setup plan a chain store gimmick or is it something I should consider?
It's not only the eonomy we are working against Ned .It's all these cheap imports.I was talking to a frind yesterday about this very subject and I told him that if things don't soon turn around I was going to buy myself a 50lb. bage of Rice and when I was able to get along on one bowl a day .I would then get myself a Bicycle then I would have a better chance of compeating in this buisness . We soon wont have any choice in the matter. [ Desperate in Canada ] Bill.""""""""""
The T's,B'loves,and such think they are the new Martins.Sad really 'cause they wiegh too much,hype too much,cost way too much and I'll just make my own from now on.Setups oughta be free for the life of these mass produced lemons.It's obvious the company thinks they need constant maintainence. Why would anyone want a new guitar w/ a built in bridge dr is beyond and beneath me! Those things make my neck hurt!