Hello everyone / anyone,
I have an Epi Granada (same as a 120T, I've included a generic pict) and over the years the top has kept going down. Over the last decade I went only acoustic, but kept this around and switched this too to 13s for consistency and I think that sped up the top sink. I always tried to put it away with the strings down a step but I went and put it away in the case without de-tuning, forgot, stored it, and didn't get back to it for over a year - bad thing that was. It's really in a bad way now, bridge all the way up, only playable on first 5 frets.
The old school way to fix this was to pull the frets and plane the fretboard downward to improve the angle and get the bridge down, and then refret. I find that nasty, and too expensive right now for this guitar, plus the original frets are still perfect. I'd seen hollow bodies in my travels that had had a block forced in under the bridge to keep the top from falling further, too late for that I guess.
So, any newfangled luthiery wizardry to jack up a top and reinforce it? I certainly recognize that without any pickups to pull and given the extreme thinness of this guitar that getting inside must be bear. Is a neck set the best solution? Even possible here? What are my options for getting this inexpensive but extremely excellent vintage guitar fixed up? TIA for all advice.