I've recently acquired a Clifford Essex Paragon guitar which I believe must be from the late 1920's. It sat in its original case in the attic of a friend since 1959 and was in a fairly sorry state. I've now restored it and it plays like new. I've spent the last two months trying to find out about the company and have now managed to piece together their history from a variety of sources. One of which was frets.com which has a very similar 1930's Paragon guitar in its museum. I also managed to track down a back issue of 'Acoustic Guitar magazine' reviewing the same guitar in it's classic gear section, in which it states that the number 102 on the headstock implies it might be only the second produced. My guitar has a slightly different 'simpler' Paragon logo and has number 70 on the headstock leading me to believe was made some years earlier. I don't know how significant this maybe seeing as only a handful of guitars were believed to have been produced by the company. Please find photos attached.
Hope this of interest for your site.
Peter Saunders.