
Have Martin pick guards always been the same size? I have a 1967 D-12 that is all curled up on the edges, and prefer not to cut my own unless necessary. 

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I think 60's Martins had the pickguard cemented into the finish & then sprayed over.So when it is removed there's a mess of finish and bare wood.This has to be cleaned up and virtually refinished.Martin pickguards are model specific and self-adhesive.Getting plain sheets of torty is difficult because of fire risksAll in all a job for the experienced repairman,
You've got two factors to deal with. First is the rosette diameter. A D-12-20, if I recall, will have an 18 style rosette which is a smaller diameter than a D-12-35. The other factor is, as I have found in replacing many curling Martin guards over the years, is that the size and shape from that era varies quite a bit.
My customer wanted to replace the black with tortoise shell, and I will have to make it. Here are a couple of shots. The pick guard came off quite easily with my work light. One of the gear/ screws was missing too, but my pal had a jar of them.
That came off so easily!?!
You can get Martin pickguards on eBay-i.e. eBay UK MARTIN ACOUSTIC.They come from Portugal and are
model specific(45's are cutaway for the abalone etc.)but surely style D18 0r 28 WOULD FIT?
Hi Rick,
Being a Martin warranty shop I have replaces a lot of martin pick guards. All the 1960's era and older are glued to the bare top and lacquered over. You must hand make the guard to fit. If you want to do it yourself here is how its done. I carefully use a heat gun on low to warm the guard and with my thin bridge knife slowly work it loose. On old ones there should not be any glue to clean.

Take a piece of thin writing paper and place it over the area and use the flattened tip of a pencil to rub over the lacquer edge to get your pattern. This is the way we can fit the guard within its original space. With two sided tape we lay the penciled outline on the new guard material and with very sharp scissors or on a small band saw with fine teeth cut close to the line. On a small bench sander I shape the guard to the line then check it on the guitar. You will have to slowly tweak the shape until it fits perfectly within the original footprint of the old one. Once it fits I take a fine mill file and bevel the edge of the guard. Then wet sand the guard face and edge with 400, 600, 1200 paper and hand buff with rubbing compound on a clean rag.

Your guard material should have an adhesive back, if not you can get the adhesive sheets from LMI or Stew Mac. I lay down the guard, press it into place, and with a natural bristol paint brush you can brush and pat the plastic so it gives it a nice lightly aged look. Nothing worse than a shinny piece of plastic on a cool old guitar. Fit, beveled, polished, then aged back a bit, this guard should blend into the guitar and finish like it has always been there.
To do it right it takes some finesse and its a job we value at $100 to $150.
Asher Guitars 310-821-2888
Thank you Bill.

It did come off quite easily, and the replacement is on its way from LMI. I picked up a new set of padded micro mesh for the job. I don't know what you fellows would think of this, but the owner wanted to change it from black to tortoise shell. The $25.00 upcharge seems a little unreasonable.

I have made numerous other template-based pieces, and have followed your directions to the T, except that I prefer cardstock. I have a pile of it, and use it all the time. This guitar was also missing a tuning gear and the screw that held it on, and I found an almost perfect after market gear, slot head screw and all. I just need to do a bit of filing on the gear to make it turn perfectly.

I am also moving the strap button from the heel to the under curve of the heel. The guitar looks like it has been sitting in the case since the 70s.
The change to tortoise as he knows is not era correct but it looks nice and is his call I guess.
The cost on the nice vintage looking tortoiseshell material is pricey but worth it. I will not install the stuff that looks pixelated like the tortoise design is printed. Have you seen that material? -not good. The browner colored material is what Martin used in the '50s and is harder to find. I have a small stash saved for those restorations. Enjoy doing that job, it is a great feeling bringing these guitars back into good shape.
It is my first time doing that type of repair, but I feel prepared.

I picked up a Taylor 6 string today that had a dismembered bridge. It was a bargain.


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