Hi gang . Would anyone in northern USA or Canada have a old under the soundboard pick-up and barrel jack they could sell me. Please drop me a e-mail. Huge thanks.
Also I am in the process of painting a acoustic Granada (dont laugh) with Dupont car paint which Ihear works well. Do I need three good coats and two coats of primer ? I also understand from what my Dupont supply store tells me for the finish coats instead of Laquer I need to use a acrylic urithane. Is this a water baseacrylic laquer Ishould be looking for as the Dupont store does not stock it in? How many coats of urithane will be needed Please? In the prcess of having a bracket made to hold the guitar at complete horizontal and also be able to turn at the same time with my free hand.
Huge thanks fr help on the soundboard pick-up so I can get to the painting stage. -Rob
Peterborough Ont Canada