Ok, part two of a post I put up back in March.  I'm going to re-glue a popped off bridge on this same uke.  Please take a look at the attached picture.  The finish is pretty thick.  It appears to me that the bridge was attached directly to the finish.  I'm puzzled as to the perfect round corners that are left of the finish/glue on the bottom of the bridge.  I wouldn't think that you could apply glue this perfectly.  I was going to carefully cut away the finish using the bridge as a guide to make the gluing surface perfectly match the bottom of the bridge.  I would then sand the bottom of the bridge to remove the finish/glue that is left behind.  The problem I have is that the bridge will then sit below the surface of the surrounding finish.  What do you all think?  As always I appreciate the friendly help and support.

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I think your looking at a glue patty Chris.

Either that, or there is a very small rabbet around the perimeter of the bridge to allow it to sit down in the finish hole for wood to wood contact.

If there is no rabbet, you either have to make one,(as should have been done), or hold the bridge in position and carefully score the finish around the very outside of the bridge and remove it. Without scoring the top wood!

Most likely the finish was routed off, hence the round corners, and the glue left on the bridge is glue that came out of the finish hole in that shape.

On second look at the photo I can see there is no ledge. It would show at the corners as a 90 degree line.

That may be why it came loose. The glue line was too thick.

I would score around the bridge with the back of a new #11 Exacto blade, and carefully peel up the remaining border of finish with a wicked sharp chisel. The finish will help hold the bridge in place for the re-glue.

Thank you David.


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