Hello againI have a request from a customer - he wants me to refret his bass and add frets between the existing ones to be able to fret half semitones notes.How can I calculate the fret spacing?I…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Kerry Krishna Mar 11, 2013.
HelloPlease help me, I ran out of ideas on this.A friend of mine has a Breedlove guitar, model Solo CS350 with this problem.When I received the guitar, it had a wood spacer, UST and the saddle, in…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Russell Vance Jul 1, 2015.
HelloI have this bass for repairs, is a Made In Mexico Fender 5 strings.The truss-rod nut can't be adjusted. In fact, I think that the truss-rod is broken and the nut is missing.Why I think this?…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Eugen C Jun 11, 2012.
Hello again Anybody know what type of neck joint has this guitar? Epiphone EJ300-S - same as EJ200 but with rosewood body, made in 2004 in Korea. Thank youContinue
Started this discussion. Last reply by David Collins Nov 4, 2011.
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Salut, Eugen!
Sunt acelasi Eros de pe forumul RGC, care te-a intrebat de un neck reset acum cateva saptamani. Deocamdata, ca noutate, mi-am curatat mecanic fret-board-ul, am aflat intre timp despre neck relief (la mine e cam cu 50% peste ce ar fi acceptabil), urmand sa dau in curand la o parte furnirul infect aplicat de domnul care mi-a reparat chitara initial ca sa capat acces la truss-rod si, sa vad ce se poate ajusta la neck-relief. Abia dupa asta, poate la anul, vreau sa incerc un neck-reset.
Dupa cum vezi, de-atunci continui sa ma documentez, citesc foarte mult, am inceput sa inteleg o multime de lucruri noi - sunt convins ca mai sunt o multime de invatzat, si caut constant noi resurse sa invatz - asa ca deocamdata am pus deoparte practica/reparatiile pana cand o sa simt ca am mai acumulat ceva la teorie.
Ca efect secundar, am luat la studiat si stewmac.com si lmii.com - vazand toate jig-urile si intrumentele alea pot intelege mai bine unele aspecte tehnice - si diverse resurse de woodworking, pentru idei de a-mi construi, in viitorul (sper eu) apropiat, diverse aparate si jig-uri in pregatirea proiectului de construire a unei chitari.
Cum ti se par instrumentele din micutza mea colectie, ai apucat sa te uiti? Ai idei de ce-as mai putea adauga?
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