Bought a six string banjo at an antiques fair, total wreck but the skin was good so I bought it and have restored it to something like its former glory. Not being a banjo player I have no idea what to string it with. Can I use guitar strings, if so is there a gauge to look for, or do I need to buy specific banjo strings?

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Hey Steve,

What is the scale length?

That will make on difference on the string gauges you choose.

If it is 24 to 25.5 inches then regular guitar strings should work.

Couple of more questions,

Can the tailpiece accept ball end strings and were you going to tune it like a guitar?

The six string banjos I have worked on were all tuned like a guitar so you did not have to learn to play traditional banjo tuning.

Yep, that's the deal - it's a guitar banjo, made for playing like a guitar with guitar strings.  While most of them can handle anything up to medium steel strings, I recommend either light or extra-light, particularly for a bit brighter tone.  

Unfortunately, many/most of those old-timers have suffered from time and tension, so they require a fair bit of restoration to get them back on the road.  Nothing like a banjo for that old country blues, or ragtime.  Check out this fine version of the Maple Leaf:

Hamada Takasi on GUITAR BANJO

I was working on one a few years ago and a friend suggested Nashville high strung. It worked so well I recommend it to everyone now. When you finger pick it there's pretty convincing 5 string sound. For the cost of 1 wound and 3 plain strings it's worth trying.

 What John is suggesting is THE thing that many, many folks are using these 'odd duck' axes for. It cuts through any mix, and turns  it from a novelty instrument, to a real instrument. KUDOs to whomever came up with this revolutionary idea for these !  Steve, you have GOT to try it! 

I had one. Did the high strings - with open G tuning. Lots of fun!

Do you find any intonation/compensation problems using the lighter strings tuned to the octave?

The other day I saw a t shirt that said "It takes a village to tune a banjo" I don't recall any chronic tuning issues.

Hi Steve- I made a 6 string banjo that plays like a guitar and used light string ---  .010 high string and it worked out ok

plays nice and has a gr8 sound - give it a try--  Peace, Donald 

I can't wait to get another one through so I can recommend this tuning.

The bass strings with traditional guitar tuning always sounded funny to my ears.

This seems a perfect solution - well, at least as perfect as it gets ;)

Thanks for the ideas!

Thank you to all who kindly replied. England is not a hot spot for banjos and I've not come across many in my travels. It was cheap and fixing it up has been a joy. I'll take all your suggestions on board and see how things work out. Once again thanks.


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