Hi all
I would have checked at www.frets.com before posting here but it won't load for some reason.
My fingerboard is really gunky, my guitar is about 4 or 5 years old and is my daily go to guitar at home.
I also suffer from gunky acidic sweat which means I get through strings quicker. Normally when I change my strings I just use a bit of household polish and a clean cloth and that does the job, but after 4 or 5 years I have some ingrained muck around the fret wires and a bit of fingerboard discolouration.
My 1st thought was to use some 0000 steel wool with a drop or 2 of Lemon Oil and just go with the grain of the board.
Just so you all know it's an acoustic guitar and has an ebony 'board.
Actually now I've taken a closer look I 'think' the discolouration might be the black dye on the board rubbing off with playing wear, so it's really just a 'de-gunking' that's required.
Any ideas/comments/warnings are appreciated.
I hope you get www.frets.com back up soon Frank
Regards from England
After - we'll see how it goes. It's a tough year for everyone, so I figure there should be something good somewhere!
Are you taking students during a prep time?
Hi Danny
My local Poundland has a lot of single edge blades. Low to medium quality. About 10 for a quid. Most DIY stores keep the Stanley blades; much better quality.
If you're anywhere near Farnborough pop into my workshop at Stagebeat, Kings Mead Centre.
Hey all.
In our repair shop we *sometimes* do this on guitar CAKED with crap. Sounds bad, but I swear it works great.
Scrubbing Bubbles. (Not on anything high end or vintage.) Spray it on, wait ten seconds and it dissolves all the skin gunk and wipes clean. We clean a ton of guitars for restrings and it works amazingly. Reserve it for your most disgusting jobs and you'll be amazed. It really dissolves skin gunk. And it cleans off the nicotine.
Like I said, not every job, but it's an effective cleaner when your customers can't be bothered to wash their hands.
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