Does anyone have any information on how to do a cremona sunburst?

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Give us a Picture.Bill."""""""""""
Here's a pic I found; looks fairly typical judging by other examples including many Gibson mandos.

It looks like standard 3-colour sunburst writ large, that is with a very expanded tobacco brown/black area.
Some good info on sunbursts in Dan Erlewine's book. You should be able to adapt that to produce this finish.
If this is the one you are trying to copy I can tell you how to do it. As well I am sure there are lots of other luthiers out there that would be welling to help you out. I can tell you how to mix the finish for the four coulors.I have built and refinshed a few Gibsons. Just let me know Id be glad to help. Bill.""""""""""
I talked with Mike about the finish, it's for a Nick Lucas model, but the sunburst he's after, in my understanding, is something like the attached photo ..the 'hand rubbed' 'burst of ca 1929-30 as opposed to the sprayed 'burst which came a few years later:
Regards, Tom
Well that is just A yellow then Brown. if there is a hint of red in that colour then you have to put your red on first over the yellow.You can do this Colour with the sprayer you just spray a clear coat of Lacquer first then put your yellow on then do the burst with brown then clear coat over the top of all that. when you go to do the brown burst spray out to words the edge just hitting about 2" of the top or were ever you want your burst to be .If you don't like the yellow to brite just over spray it a little with the brown when you are doing the burst . If you want the yellow to be a little orange just add a tiny bit of red to your orang. These liquid stain colours are all mixed in Lacqer. If you like your colour on the bare wood you can do this with your colour mixed in water the same way in the sprayer. I hope this is of some help to you if you have any questions just e-mail me. Bill."""""""""'
Hi Bill,
Thanks for taking the time to answer my question. I have sprayed sunbursts before using a sealer coat first. But the hand rubbed cremona sunburst looks as if it is on the raw surface of the wood and then sealed. It looks as if it is built up slowly and the pigment is rubbed into the pores of the wood? I will try some experiments.
Thanks, Michael
Michael you can get the same thing mixing the stain in water and spraying on bare wood you have a little better control over the end results.if you don't like what you see you can always sand it back off when it drys,But when you put it on by hand you rub it right in to the wood grain. Just a thought good luck Bill."""""""""


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