Does anybody else suffer this malady?..... About a month ago, for some undetermined reason, the "headline" fonts on my main discussion page changed .. and not for the better.  I've changed what can be changed on the site's "settings" section, but that seems to have no effect on the discussions page.  From my perspective, it only affects, as no other sites I visit seem to have changed.  The "bold italic" flavor just bugs me :)  Any suggestions?

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Jeez Mike, that's a weird one... I see you have winXP, so at least we can rule out any weirdo compatability problems with stone-age Win. versions or Macs. Cleared your browser cache? Deleted all your cookies? Done a virus scan? What browser are you using? Looks like IE from here, which version? Have you tried Firefox or Opera to see what it looks like? On the side, I'd recommend using Firefox anyway, waaay better than IE, IMHO, YMMV (jeez, three abbrievations in a row, looks really geeky:-), but I digress...)
I fooled around a bit on my netbook system (Win7 with Firefox), to try and change my to look like yours, no success. Then I tried it on my main comp (WinXP Pro with Firefox), no success. Then I tried it on both using IE, no success. Like I used to say to the people back in another life as System Administrator, I'm sorry, but I can't reproduce your problem :-)
Sorry I couldn't help you more, good luck with it. I actually think it looks kinda neat, but tastes differ, I imagine what's bugging you most is the fact that you didn't choose it, it's been thrust upon you, so to speak. Would probably bug me too....

Looks like you are using Google Chrome to me instead of IE. The font also looks the same as I see but I don't stay on that page for more than a second or two. I switch to the "forum" tab so I can select the latest reply instead of the topic. That way I don't have to wade through comments and pages I've already seen.

I think the font works better on the "Forum" page than on the "Home" page but I will do a bit of testing to see if there is something in Chrome that I can find that will change it.

BTW, I use either Firefox or Chrome. I NEVER use IE now. I have been a proponent of Firefox for years but I like the smaller foot print and faster load time of Chrome so I have ended up using Chrome on one system and Firefox on the other.

Ya got me there, I never even thought about Google Chrome. I've never used it, but you've aroused my curiosity: I'm going to take a look at it tomorrow, I love trying new toys out!

I started using it about 3 months ago. I tried it while it was in Beta and didn't like it but Firefox is getting bigger with each release and I noticed that it was running slower on my older machines. My son was looking for a faster browser and tried Chrome again. It is much better than when I tried it last time but it does have a learning curve. It has a few quirks that I had to figure out and it's not as feature rich as Firefox but it loads and refreshes pretty quickly.

More than anything, I don't like the book mark system as much as Firefox's. It is not as intuitive or as flexible as Firefox's. I've come to accept it but I still haven't imported my old list because it is very large and I'm not too sure I want to manage it in Chrome.

Oh yeah, It was a surprise to me that the search bar and the address bar are one and the same. Once I got use to just typing my searches in the address bar, it makes having separate bars feel clunky.
In the interests of furthering internet science, I just downloaded and installed Chrome. My word, it's really fast, a bit like FF was in the beginning, before it got loaded up with all the doodads. I think it could be a keeper. The bad news is: On my box with Win7 and Chrome, the forum here looks normal, go figure...

Funny you should mention Google Chrome.... that's exactly the browser I'm using, and that's where the "unwanted font" appears! Like Ned mentioned, Firefox is getting bigger and slower with every release, which is why I started using Chrome in the first place. It should be said that ---when using Firefox--- the font is back to "normal" and is much more readable, but that's a small payoff for a slower browser. Chrome is neat and fast... but I'd love to find a way to change this #$% font. Probably the biggest mystery to me is why it changed from "readable" to "not-so-much" about a month ago, as I've been using Chrome for over a year now.

PS: And yes Grahame... it IS the fact I didn't select it (and can't change it) that bugs me the most :)
Well Mike you are not alone . I can hardly read the small righting on the threads as well as what i am righting now.BILL..''''''''''''''''''''''''''
Bill, You may need to change the resolution on your screen to a lower setting. That will make everything larger, including the forums.

Mike, I can't find anyway to change the default font on Chrome. I will try to remember to ask my son tomorrow.
It probably changed recently because of an upgrade to the application files for Chrome.



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