I have really small fingers and my acous/elec Yamaha APX700 is brand new, got it 2wks ago. The guitar was perfect when I got it, but I guess that in my excitement I didn't double check the saddle (on the bridge). Its very 'high' and I find it hard to press on the fretboard. My main questions are 1) is it possible to replace/change the saddle to one that's a little shorter so that my strings are closer to the frets?? and 2) if I do, will it change the way my guitar sounds or alter my guitar in any way?? 

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Providing the guitar is exactly as when 1st purchased . Yes.String gauge can also be a factor if heavy. None of the changes you make will increase your finger size.Don't try this at home.What sounds fishy is the part about being perfect when you got it.
You can bring it to a repair shop and have it set up properly (unfortunately, new guitars almost always need a set-up and many guitar stores never do it). If, after you've done that, you find it's still uncomfortable to play, then sell it down the road and find another one.
"unfortunately, new guitars almost always need a set-up and many guitar stores never do it"

You should see the look in the eyes of my customers when I tell them that their brand new 2500€ Gibson needs a set-up... Why do guitar stores almost never set the guitars up? It can make a big difference with an online shop.
Given that it's just new, take it to the shop where you bought it and ask to solve the problem. Probably they'll do it free.
Indeed, "setup" is a general term and it is analogous to having clothing altered to fit properly. Everybody plays better and more easily if the instrument is set up to their size, playing style and ability. As a rule, the more experienced the player, the less important the setup. Many professionals can pretty much handle anything they're given.

Ideally, you'd take it back to the shop where you got it and have their on-site technician adjust the guitar and stringing for you. At many service-oriented local shops, that's an everyday part of the business, and it is done as a courtesy for no charge as part of the sale of the instrument.

"Big box" stores, so-called "discounters" or on-line sellers may not have the capability of doing the work, or may not consider it their responsibility. In that case, your local luthier is the place to go. Cost of setup work is not prohibitive and you'll be glad you got it done.

While you might attempt the work yourself, the chances are that you'll overlook small details that would make the instrument more playable.


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