Lately there has been a daily barrage of obvious spammers applying for membership here at FRETS.NET.

Some time ago, I added those simple questions to weed out those bots or people who obviously don't belong, and every day I deny the membership to a dozen or more automated responses (usually two random letters).

Sometimes, though, I do manage to push the "deny" by accident.  PLEASE try again to register if that happens to you!



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And I thought it was because of my breath..... ;)

Thanks for all that you do for all of us Frank!!!!

Well, I got in so I must be human!!! I'm a UK-based player of over 30 years and I started my own repair shop last year. I'm still pretty much starting out and I still need loads of tools but I have a small webpage if anyone's interested; (I'm not touting for business btw).

I came here for advice/tips/tricks from people who [probably] know better :P

I'm Vic btw [Victor Christian]...

Welcome to the sandbox, Victor!

I don't know. Victors story sounds like it could just be a sophisticated algorithm trying to break in and exploit the riches of the lutherie crowd.

Just kidding!

Welcome Vic!

It sucks that you even have to do's rediculous...what are these spammers looking to target??

thanks for the guard at the door Frank- it lets the people that use this web site for the reasons that it was made for in the first place- God bless you my friend- peace,Donald

Quote: "I'm a UK-based player"


Another Warm Welcome here, reverberates and echoes Franks Own Special Welcome.

Its humbling, the Great Contributors that Make This Fora, and there's always something to Learn.

As you are from Great Britain I wondered if you might be interested in a neighbor of a friend I was with Today.

He Lived and Studied in my Home City and funnily enough there was a Newspaper Article in the Local Press about him I reading yesterday. It's not often Luthiers get in the Press so here we go...


"HALF a century after Sir Winston Churchill’s death, his legacy has been celebrated by a trust set up in his name.

The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust, which gives money to British citizens to study new skills and develop new ideas overseas, marked its 50th anniversary last week.

The trust has awarded 150 fellowships this year at a cost of £1.3 million, with 2015’s fellows set to travel to 58 countries on six continents.

Those who are awarded with travelling scholarships are expected to share the ideas they bring back for the benefit of their professions, communities and the nation.

Chipping Norton man Paul Fischer was one of 1,000 fellows who attended an event at Sir Winston’s birthplace, Blenheim Palace, last Wednesday.

The classical guitar maker was given his fellowship in 1983 and travelled to Brazil to investigate the destruction of rainforests and the impact it had on the export of special woods used to make musical instruments.

The research he carried out identified a less endangered species of wood that could be used to produce instruments of an equally high standard.

The materials are now used by guitar makers worldwide.

Mr Fischer, 74, said: “It is great to see Sir Winston’s legacy still living on through the trust. I was very privileged to take part as a travelling fellow. I still feel that sense of responsibility to pass on my experiences.

“A lot of the woods we used in instruments were exotic woods but these were becoming very scarce. So the purpose of my fellowship was to go out to Brazil and find out what was happening .”

Since Sir Winston’s death in 1965 more than 5,000 Britons have been awarded Churchill Fellowships, from more than 100,000 applications. The average length of a fellowship is six weeks.

Winston Churchill Memorial Trust director general Jamie Balfour said: “It was fitting to hold our 50th anniversary event at Blenheim Palace and to come together with hundreds of fellows from across the past five decades to celebrate the life of this great leader.

“Sir Winston’s legacy lives on through our fellows, individuals who, like him, have vision, leadership, a passion with a purpose, and a commitment to help their fellow citizens.”"


Here's a Link Regarding his Research.



A very unassuming fellow, he made Very Fine Classical Guitars.

He used to Work for the late David Rubio, based at Duns Tew in Oxfordshire where many Fine Instrumentalists Gathered. He was appointed Manager of Rubio's Workshop and later, established his own Shop.

Here he is in the picture above being presented to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

Good Luck with your New Workshop near Nottingham!




"Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will stand before kings"  Proverbs 22 v29

Nice story and thank you :)

I just signed up for  I had to use my backup email address because the email verification for my first choice failed to show up.  I suspect that this is because has a nasty habit of marking certain email address as spam or malware sources.  We've had to fight with them a few time with our website. It is a pain to get them to even admit that they are blocking and very hard to get them to undo it.

I wouldn't bring it up but I suspect that there are a lot of people out there with email addresses.

Is there a missing  SEND link  on new subject page  as right now as can not see one after typing a new subject.If you click post it just starts a new new subject form

Works for me.

Hi Frank, I received this email today.. wanted to let you guys know.. I also began a discussion called 'fraud' with the email copied in it.   And this fits with what you're saying above.. Thanks for all the hard work that goes into this site, 
Of course didn't follow the link.. just giving you information, cheers, and be well!!! John
Good Day,
How is everything with you, I picked interest on you after going through your short profile and deemed it necessary to write you immediately. I have something very vital to disclose to you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on:( ) for the full details.
Have a nice day
Thanks God bless.


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