Does anyone know where I could purchase a small quantity of Cellosolve Butyl?  The smallest quantity I have located online is by the quart.  Frank Ford mentioned it as something he used in the process of repairing a crack in a guitars Nitrocellulose finish.  Thanks.

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 Robert I don't know were you can buy it any smaller than the quart but you can use Asatone as well you just get a tiny artist brush and go along the crack with the tip of the brush and let it dry over night before you take the stellwool to it.P.S try and keep it off were you don't want it though.good luck Bill................


Will the Acetone react in at least a similar manner to the Cellosolve Butyl?  Please not the I am trying to amalgamate the subject.  This is just one of the procedures in the process of the repair.

Hi Robert & Bill.

This sounded like a familiar question do I did a site search and found that this was discussed in considerable detail on this forum exactly 2 years ago. What a coincidence, eh?

I believe the general consensus was that it’s an extremely toxic, highly regulated and controlled chemical which can cause WAY more serious health issues than it can correcting finish issues. Perhaps that’s why Stew-Mac stopped selling it years ago?

After reviewing the 2010 discussion, my advice as a fellow repair person and human being is: stay as far away from that stuff as humanly possible.

Best of luck & stay safe (-:


If it's a small scrape or scratch, you can deepen it with a pointy knife and drop fill with lacquer.  Build it up proud, scrape it down, and buff.  Let each layer set for a day, then cure for three weeks before leveling.

Hi Christian,  I would have tried that as a first and did consider first exactly what you said., however; the amalgamation process before the introduction of lacquer seems important.  So I have my fingernail polish ready for to use after the Cellosolve has been applied.  Does that make sense?  Please respond.

I suppose.  I'm not an expert at finish repair.

Following your method have you achieved seamless results?  I want the finish repair to appear as though it never occured.

No, not completely invisible.  If you look close in reflected light, you can see the fix.

Hello Paul,

Thank you very much for your reply.  I do not doubt that the stuff has some very nasty qualities as far as its chemical composition and harmfulness is concerned if taken consumed (willfully or not) by the human body.  This applies for so many things as far as I am concerned. So.  If the same results can be achieved in a greener, less toxic way then I am all for it.  That said,  I plan on using the stuff so long as there are identified and proven methods of its utilization in a matter that will not harm me.  Well, at least for 100 years.  At this point I have chosen (unless convinced otherwise) to follow the advice I found here which of course calls for the chemical in the first place.  If during my research and acquisition of said product I encounter anything that would prove to me that (if used properly) the compound would have dire and negative physical affects from the usage of approximately 1/100th of an ounce of the stuff under prescribed conditions, then I will gladly move on to something else.  Gasoline is highly volatile, dangerous, nasty, etc., however; we expose ourselves to in on a regular basis. Is that relevant?  Well actually I do not know but I can tell you this.  If I were to purchase a quart of the Cellosolve (marketed under several names) and that quart were to last me five years, what would be my ecological impact upon us?   I believe that what is appropriate here (and for any other endeavor one takes on) is to carefully listen, research, consider and educate one’s self to a sufficient degree to which the task at hand commands and move forward from there.  Weighing the balance is always key when considering any enterprise.  So again, thank you Paul.



Hi Guys,

I've worked in dangerous environments all my life (microwaves, fuel vapor, chemical fumes, various paint fumes etc etc) and I know a lot of us have.  I have used the bare minimum of safety equipment and been casual and cavalier regarding my personal safety from time to time.

I've recently had some serious life threatening health issues and there is little history in my family of such things. 

My point is:  if I was going to do this all over again I would not trust any advice or (re)assurances given by anyone - particularly those who make a living from selling the stuff we use. I suspect that exposure to the chemical/environmental  cocktail in my workplaces has not helped with my quest for immortality!  However, this is not to lay the blame - the degree to which I protected myself was a matter of readily available choice.

Anyhows, comrades, fixing a guitar is not worth damaging you health so just be careful and over-do the safety aspect.  I now use industry standard gas filters on my masks, Nitrile gloves when handling just about anything with a lid or lead solder,  and ensure ventilation in my workplace is forced positive or negative when any process creates dust or fumes (including soldering).   I have attached a Material Safety Data Sheet PDF (sorri if some can't read it) for the subject matter.



Thanks Russell.  Good advice.  I only do repairs in my shop and for the most part all I ever work with are oils, turpentine and paint thinner.  If I can achieve the same results with Acetone I will use that.  Speaking of Acetone, that dang stuff seems to be pretty volatile itself.

Hi Robert,

This is where I purchase mine; (have used it for many yr. now)

Use a very high degree of caution.........very flammable ( explosive!)  It does not take much to to soften the lac.

Wear a mask...well ventilated area!  It is basically ether !  By using a min. amount to the repair area...then add the will eliminate any "witness lines" around the repiar.  :)


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