69 Fender Villager Neck Placement/scale length question

I have a Fender Villager in the shop, a 1969 12 string acoustic with removable neck. The neck seats in the head block. Neck is fine but the head block and surrounding body sustained serious damage.  After cleaning up the mess (someone used white glue and match sticks etc to try to fix.) Anyway after getting the head block / side and top back together, doweling all the damaged holes for the 4 neck attachment screws, and making a new dowel for the neck/head block pin (Apx a 2" x 9/16 dowel)
I discover that the scale length must be off after the damage......I think. The distance from the front of the nut to the center of the 12th fret is 12 3/4", the distance between the center of the 12th fret to the center of the saddle is 12 1/2". It appears the head block is nearly dead on from original and the holes in the head block and neck for the pin can't be off more than 1/16" at worst. But I think I need another 1/4" plus for intonation.
Before I drill new holes to attach the neck, I assume I need to tweak the block to neck dowel pin to get the right saddle to nut distance of 25.5" plus get the right intonation. Saddle is a rather radical angle as well. Pic of a (not this one) attached.

Anyone have thoughts on what the right length is?

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I think you are on the right track the scale is twice the legth of the nut to the centre of the 12th fret.And don't be afriad to give it another 32 nd more,Bill.""""""""""""'
Thanks Bill, rather than remake the neck peg holes, I just made a custom dogleg peg to provide the right (close)scale.

Bill, the accepted compensation for a steel string guitar is a good deal more than that. Most of us use and extra 3/16" to the center of the saddle for the low E, 1/16" for the high E.

1/32" is appropriate for nylon strings.
Oh thanks Frank. I gues that only tells you I don't know anything about the subject . Bill."""""""""""""


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