Few weeks ago I bougt another Martin replica from ebay.
Is an unknown brand - Wotan - but I was tempted by the "made in Japan" and because it has a hardshel case. Price paid - 145€
After I received it, I was very happy to find that it has a solid top.
I replaced the nut because it was broken, I cleaned the fretboard and made a little fret dressing and new strings, result - a nice looking guitar with a very nice sound.
No dings, no cracks, almost like new.
In the second picture you can see the crack in the binding. The top is unglued in that part, if I tap with my finger I can tell where the top is separated by the change of the taping sound.
In the third picture you can see that the bridge is unglued behind the pins, the feeler gauge enters ~1,5cm (1/2inch).
Considering that if I put my arm in the soundhole I am just able to touch the end block with my fingertips, how can I reapair the top separation? Should I remove a piece of binding to access the separation area?
Second, what is the best way to repair the bridge separation?
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