I am fixing up a no-name, birch-body guitar and found its tuners as you see in the photo. Two of the tuner shafts are bent. I am guessing that the best thing is to use pliers with leather pads and just try to bend them back. Seems simple, but I am putting this out there to see if there are things I should beware of before giving it a try.

Assuming I get the shafts back in line enough to be usable and not look awful, I then have to come up with a screw and a cog to re-attach one of the posts, as you can see on the right of the photo. If anyone knows of a source for such parts, I would love to hear of it.

If either of these problems is insoluble, I'll just have to bite the bullet and buy a set of vintage-style tuners, but it would be nice (and cheaper) to keep the originals. BTW, this guitar originally had a tailpiece and, I assume, a floating, one-piece wooden bridge. I am converting it to X-bracing and pin-bridge just to see what that would sound like. If anyone is interested, you can follow my progress on the "Repairs" blog on my website:


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Rick, I can't help you with the tuners. I just wanted to compliment you on your site. It's such a nice mix of luthery and music. Was the Holz piece your own arrangement? A lovely and sensitive job you did of it.

Thanks, Bob! I am glad you liked the site. All the fingerstyle pieces on it are my own arrangements. I really appreciate your comment.
First I save all tuners in any shape that I replace with new ones
so you can have replacement parts. You would be surprised that
how many use the same peaces.

As for straitening the bent shafts I have broken many
shafts by pliers and other ways. I come up with the fool proof
way and have never broken one since.

I took a 8 inch flat file that is about 1/8 inch thick and on my cut off wheel
I cut a notch on one side about 1/4 inch from the end and about 1/4 inch
deep. I can then when the tuners are on the guitar put the notch over the
shaft that is bent and use the leverage gently bend it straight . Bend a little
then look at it then bend more if needed. Some shafts are brass and can
break easily so be careful !!

Happy bending!!

Thanks, Ron, as always! I get the file as lever, and can imagine that allows one to gradually apply more pressure without going to far. When you are doing this, with the tuners in place, what or where is your fulcrum?
Two of those button shafts look like they are sheared off below the button. Is that the case?
Well, I'll be darned! Good eye, Tom! I measured the actual tuners, and there is only enough shaft left to reach to the bottom edge of the button, not enough to extend up into the button. I was so fixated on "bent shaft" I wasn't looking for another problem. Well, it looks like I have a start on a spare parts collection, as Ron suggested.
What's the measurement center to center on the crown gears? I'll check my old parts drawers.
If I am measuring the correct dimension it is 1-3/8".
That's a standard size. I'll dig around. Meanwhile, check out those new 'Restoration Tuners' at Stew Mac. They might work better than an old set, and they are reasonably priced. Seems a custom fit for your project?
Yep! I have a set on order. Thanks again!


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