Changing neck profile on Hernadez(nippon) 60's Sherry Brenner

I'm thinking of replacing the fretboard and thinning the neck of my great ol'Hernandez.The action has never been what I believe it could be and I'm running out of saddle plus a classical
guitarist told me years ago the neck felt like a baseball bat.It does look like a slightly thick neck
so I just may take it down at the sides to give better reach.What do you think,Bob?

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Hi, Tim. Glad to help if I can get some more info on the neck thickness, action, etc., so please pardon the flurry of questions.

As for the neck feel, is it the shape or just the overall dimensions that are the problem? Some guitars of that era had rather boxy shapes that just benefited from some rounding from the bottom of the fingerboard inward towad the center. How thick is the neck at the 1st and 9th frets? Same question for the fingerboard at the nut and the 12th frets. Hopefully, from the standpoint of replacing the fretboard, the current one will be tapered to some amount. If not, there could be a plan B for that.

Can we assume for now that you wouldn't want to narrow the neck? Also, could you provide measurements for the action at the 12th fret? The last request for info will feed plan B. How tall is the bridge at the front and how much sadde do you have above it. Also, if you can post some pics, it would be very helpful to see an end on shot of the bridge tie block and saddle, as well as a shot of the back of the tie block. We need to see how much room you have left in saddle break angle. Sorry for all the questions but the answers will all point us in the right direction.

Thanks Bob,
1st fret-.024"
Fretboard at nut-1/4" at end 3/16" bass side only
Bridge at front-5/16" saddle 1/16" above
Neck runs a consistant 1" all the way.......
I may just shave/sand the neck in from the side to center for the thinner feel.
Gee, Tim, I don't think I'd mess with the action at all. It's around 3mm at the 12th fret where 4mm is more the norm for classical guitars. Don't you get any buzzing on the bass E when you play aggressively? The bridge and the fingerboard are all cool.

I think you have a good plan. You could also taper the thickness of the neck a bit. Most classical guitars taper from 21-22mm at the 1st fret to around 24-25mm at the 9th fret, so you have that option if you're still uncomfortable with the feel after the first pass in shaping.

Good luck and let us know how it goies.

Years ago I did one of my first refrets on this guitar and w/ all frets removed I sanded a bit to level out a dip.Maybe I didn't do too bad afterall. Still gotta get my nerve up to tackle the neck.......thanks for the info;Bob.
Also I'll try to play agressively and see if I can make it buzz for ya!


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