Exploring & Flying Limba wood...White (Korina) & Black

Hello to one & all......

Anyone know of a supplier who has White Limba (aka Korina, Afara, the name used in the UK) and Black Limba??? The Korina would preferably be 6/4 (1.5" or 38mm for UK/European threaders) as it would be for a Flying V (which have a final thickness of 5/4) and/or the Explorer. The Black Limba would be 8/4 (2" or 52mm) for body and neck billets. I remember that Gilmerwood have both on there web-sales on occassion but they seem to cut a small amount then that's it for a while. It's not a stock item as such. I guess I will have to check their site once every week or so. However being an amateur I don't have a constant money-pot set aside for buying wood. I wish I had!!! I have purchased from Gilmer before and I have to admit the products, especially the fingerboards, were as good as it gets IMHO. Just beautiful. However, they are not a Luthier supply house like LMI or Allied lutherie. As much of their dimensioned wood is for turners etc rather than specifically for instrument builders. Anyone know of anyone who sells this wood in quantities small enough for one or two guitars rather than a minimum of a container-load.

Best wishes.............David.

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Give this a try:

I've never ordered from them but their pricing is reasonable from what I've seen.

The current exchange rate will probably help offset the shipping cost, as well.....


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