When I recently had a corner of my bridge glued back down, the repairman used hide glue. I thought the guitar top was clean when I got it back but I see now a couple of smears or stains, pretty much either the same color as the top or transparent, that look like maybe incomplete wipe marks from cleaning up excess glue. I say that because the two mark sort of converge near the corner of the bridge that was glued down.
You can only see these stains by holding the top up to low-angle light and looking closely. So I don't want to do anything that might damage the extremely thin lacquer finish on my cedar top. I'd rather have the (presumed) glue stains than take the finish off or discolor it. What are my low-risk things to try?
I've used naptha to clean up sticker adhesive from this guitar with no harm done (long story). Will naptha affect long-dried hide glue? I also have a bottle of Stew-Mac "Preservation Polish" that's unopened and never used, is it likely to help? For that matter maybe the first thing to try ought to be some warm water with a drop of mild soap on a soft cloth...