I was recently able to make a sled for my table top circular saw. I bought the StewMac blade also, and have 1/4" acrylic material ready to go. I know I should be able to get a printout of a fretboard off of the net somewhere that I can tape to the acrylic, and use that to make the template notches, but I am quite sketchy on how to do anything more than use a small triangle file to put the notch into the acrylic, and have noticed that closeups of all the Stewmac and LMI templates show a squared out notch. The scales that I need are odd ones, and no one makes them. Can someone show me what I need to know, or do some kinda a photoessay for me? I do want these templates to be as accurate as possible, and am wondering If I should just be getting someone to make them for me. I have a duplicate post over on the MIMF.... Thanks for any responses.