I'm looking for the rules and policies for this forum

As a long time member of the F*P and the *IMF, I find myself at a loss without written guidelines and what you can do and what you can't. Naturally I'm a decent sort of guy who doesn't flame anyone except those who put manufacturer decals on things that they shouldn't and can communicate without being vulgar or profane. I don't know what goes where on my page or anything about the position of implied advertising or where the line is drawn. I just want to be a good citizen and contributor. Any help? The button for the rules is probably huge and I'm just not seeing something obvious.

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I have just joined this forum.. as a matter of fact, it is the very first attempt to communicate in cyberspace with people! Selfish reason is to ask, and share , as I will attempt to build a classical guitar from scrath.. dont laugh! if it turns out not so good, or, not so pretty,, I will find it pretty , and, I will probably think it sounds great ( I don't know how to play) no laughing!!! You know, all mothers love their chikdren.. or most of them!
About the rules? I am glad there are not any need to have them... This site should be used by people whose interest is to ask, answer, or exchange ideas, or anechdotes about "lutherying') mayby thhis word does not exist, I will look it up later.
The language should be clean ( I use vulgarity, profanity, in stories, and with the golfing pals) No need to use it here. A well posted question, should evoke a well presented comment.
Sorry for the rambling...A brand new " newbe" from Oregon.
Luis, good luck with your first classical guitar build. I think you'll find out that many of your golf words will also get alot of use in lutherie.

Good Morning Bob... thanks for the words of encouragement... I am sure I will use the entire repertoir and some invented words as I"sail into the project" kidding as I am not a sailor.. but a pilot..
The plural of lithier is luthiers... could not find the gerund !! so the word I used " Lutherying or so does not exist!!

sorry for the improper syntx... but it felt good when I used it?
Good day to all who read this .
Hey Louis-- News flash for you-- this very experienced guy that goes by the name of Bob Webster
is the ( in my opinion ) a master at making classical guitars and he will most of the time answer any question that you might have about building a classical guitar.
He helped me a lot in making my first classical, and I must say it came out very nice, and it sounds good too. He is also from "your" neck of the woods, ( Washington State )
best to you and above have fun doing your first.
thank you Donald... I have your recommentation, and, will take to heart. I am exited to finish an instrument as good as yours.
GReatfully .
For my two cents worth as an amateur, I have no problem with discussions that concern the "dirty underbelly of professional luthery". I understand that some of us must make a living at this so I see no reason that you shouldn't have a place to exchange hints and tips on how to improve your bottom line as well as how to fix a "sticky" problem.

Frankly, I don't particularly want to start a repair business. It seem like the perfect way to ruin a good hobby but, as far as I can see, I have a hobby because there are people that do this for a living. Most of the "work" I do is for myself but I occasionally take on a repair or setup for someone that can't afford to pay, usually a kid with "Bourgeois" taste and a "Cort" budget. I do what I can to keep them playing until they CAN afford a "Bourgeois" ( which, hopefully, they will buy and from a local dealer and maintain with a local shop ) . That's the extent of my involvement and I'm happy with it.

I've been "messing around with boats" or in this case guitars and such for a lot of years and I have a pretty fair idea of what I can and can't do but even at that, I own a couple of instruments that I believe warrant the services of a Pro. I play "um but I don't work on 'um. It's just too much like a surgeon operating on his child.

Anyway, I have a lot of respect for those of you that do this for a living and I would welcome any "dirty underbelly" discussions that you may want to have ( as long as you keep it clean).

Well, I feel I can say what I'm going to say for a couple of reasons. One is that I'm not a luther, I don't build, just repair, reset, customize and inlay. I don't do this as a primary job but just to earn some € from time to time, as this is my third job (life is hard for a divorced man!). But I'm quite experienced in what I do because I worked in a guitar factory years ago, and I love working on guitars since I was young. Second, I live in Italy so I'm not a competitor to nobody who works more than ten miles away from my workshop and vice-versa. I don't consider immoral to ask some advice about prices, it's just useless because it depends on so many factors. People here are so kind and expert and helpful (and sometimes funny) that is nothing but a pleasure to be in contact. People like me have always something to learn. This time I learned that I must absolutely rise the price for replacing a end pin jack. Prior of Mark's last post I used to do it for a cup of tea and just a croissant!! (Now I lie!).
Hi Antonio.. Mio nome e Bianchini... but not born in Italy; where in I taly do you live?
have a good day.
Luis in Oregon
I should answer in Italian, because I'm sure nobody else on this forum would be interested in the argument. But I think it wouldn't be fair. I live in a small town called Montegranaro that means Mountain-that-produces-wheat. It's an ancient village where the Romans stocked up wheat. Now it's famous for the shoe factories like Prada, Docksteps and others. It's situated in the region Marche, in the centre of Italy, near the Adriatic sea. When I was a student at Technical Institute I had a fellow whose name was Mauro Bianchini. Where's your family from and when did they migrated to the States?
If you prefer, you can contact me at
Pleased to meet you.


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