hey folks
I have some questions regarding removal of a lacquer finish. i have an acoustic guitar built in the 70's that the top needs to be refinished. I have read where some people use something like zip strip to take off the old finish then sand it down and refinish. my question is does this chemical removal mess up the binding or the sound hole rosette?also when i have used this type of chemical on other wood projects it tends to realy dry out the wood. Is there a chemical that is not as caustic or should i just get out the sandpaper and remove the finish the old fashoned way.

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Take the bridge off and sand the finish off that way you will not have to refinsh the sids as well .Scrape the finish off around the fret board with a razer blade.And don't sand any more of the spruce off then you can help.You will get a lot better job of your finishing with the bridge off .Draw a fine line around were the bridge go's and mask it off slitly smaller befor you start your finishing.After you get all your finish on just take a razer blade and cut around the masking and remove it .That is how I do it , Bill.::::::::::::
thanks Bill
the bridge is alread off . part of the reason for the need to refinish. so i will start the sanding process.


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