Since the thread has been pulled, readers may not know, or even care for that matter, that i have decided to leave this forum.
One of the main reasons is that
now posting and posing as "HOWARD" !!!!!
And it is now posting and posing as, get this,
The real Frank, Mr Frank Ford, does not have to scream his name, like FRANK, to be noticed.
I can only surmise that FRANK< HOWARD>PAUL<PHB??? was sadly compelled to cloak himself with the name of someone, IN CAPS, who has been, and is, the most valuable resource for information about the repair and care of acoustic guitars that will ever live.
Copycats are exactly what they are...and are only an erased and laughed at shadow of the real thing.
Sadly, there are things like,
That sniff the trail of other imposters and become GLORIOUS!! in their own minds!
Slugs, like the coprophagic JEFFY SUITS eat anything that is in the yard and vomits out abject stupidity.
FRANK, etc, has vandalised my page, daniel c newman, with over 50 repetitive postings....
And then there is JEFFREY L. SUITS!!
(I don't care if i spelleed your name right, Jeffj00
S**T ..... LOOSER...
A Coward, hiding in a darkened room, a wanker!! Calling me something, when we have never , ever, communicated!!
If this behaviour is accepted practice on this forum, and i certainly think it is not, then PHB, PAUL, HOWARD, should be ashamed of himself for doing something like this, hidden from the general reader, and the forum should be aware that it has been done.
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