daniel c newman
  • Male
  • Boulder, CO
  • United States
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daniel c newman's Discussions

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Started Jul 21, 2010


daniel c newman's Page

Daniel c newman's Blog

Comment Wall (2 comments)

At 11:38pm on July 20, 2010, FRANK said…
DAN I THINK YOU ISOLATED YOUR SELF LOOK (When one person, or a group of people isolate themselves from the mainstream of communication, the content of their message is lost, because it becomes evident that this person, and persons who support them, have positioned themselves beyond the relm of credibility, by their acceptance of the perversion of common rules of communication.

It, therefor follows, that, if you cannot communicate your urges, in a form that ALL can understand.. and would even want to read....your message is lost.)THIS IS WHAT YOU WROTE OK NOW THIS LATEST ONE IS JUST A CRAZY RANT ,THANK YOU FOR POINTING OUT MY PROBLEM WITH THE COMPUTER NOW HAVE A NICE LIFE CHEERS PHB
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At 5:42pm on September 1, 2012, daniel c newman said…

This thing that is now trying to call himself "FRANK!!", used to be PHB, PAUL, CHEERSPHB, seems to be a drunken idiot who is trying to cloak himself with the name of Mr. Frank Ford. Note that Mr. Ford does not have to identify himself WITH ALL CAPS LOCK!! THAT IRRITATION IS RESERVED FOR... YOU GUESSED IT...


FRANK!!!!    What a pathetic defect...,


Who spews stupidity, along with Jeffery L. Suits. a coward hiding behind a computer screen in a darkened room.

Neither one of them could understand what i posted in regards to their use of CAPS LOCK and their attacks on other posters on this forum.


Rarely do these two cretins offer anything constructive... Rather they, and others, jump at any chance to denigrate someone's post and attack content and the poster with useless stupid snot and drivel.

"(F) RANK", filled this page with multiple  postings of the above stupid, and pathetic comments. He, and Jeffery L. Suits are unable to comprehend what was posted;


When one person, or a group of people isolate themselves from the mainstream of communication, the content of their message is lost, because it becomes evident that this person, and persons who support them, have positioned themselves beyond the relm of credibility, by their acceptance of the perversion of common rules of communication.

It, therefor follows, that, if you cannot communicate your urges, in a form that ALL can understand.. and would even want to read....your message is lost.







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