I have a customer playing one of my solid body guitars and he recently recieved a pacemaker- his cardio doctor told him "NO ELECTRIC GUITARS!"-would not be a problem but the band he is in plays Hellcaster style music- needless to say he is heartbroken--has anyone delt with this problem? Is this something to worry about at shows on a liability issue?

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His doctor is, if you'll pardon my swearing, full of shit! I've been working in electronics for over 35 years and the electic guitar is far less likely to affect his pacemaker than a cell phone is - the cell phone is broadcasting between 3 and 5 watts or electromagnetic energy while the electric guitar might be able to radiate a few milliwatts! This is so silly I truly can't believe that you're serious and not repeating an "urban legend." Even if the guitar has a preamp within it the power output is miniscule compared to other sources - the monitor I'm sitting front of and the desktop computer about 13" from my heart broadcast more energy not to mention energy efficient floro light bulbs. Perhaps the doc is using a truly cheap pacemaker - if so someone should notify the Department of Health.

But don't take my word for it if you, or your client, is truly worried - contact any teaching hospital connected to a university - or find out what make, model, and run of pacemaker and get the manufacturer's EMF sensitivity information. And, if it's already not been done, you could sheild the guitar "just for safety sakes."

(Is you client a smoker, heavy meat eater, couch potato, etc.? - these are far greater risk factors!)

Rob- thanks- sounded like BS to me too and if it was a problem ,I should have found something on it- I have not-and I've looked-the customer is just passing on the info he recieved-see if we can't nip this one at the source-thanks again-Cricket


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