A friend asked me to look at her guitar because the high E string buzzes when played open. It does not buzz when fretted in any position. The "E" sustains, but has a "zzzzzzzzzzz" reminiscent of a sitar.

I haven't tried anything yet, but my best guess is that the nut slot for that string is cut so the string is not resting on the edge nearest the fretboard. Perhaps it is resting part way back, and therefore vibrating against the nut itself.

However, along with making sure the nuts on the tuner posts are tight, are there any other likely culprits I should check before getting out my little saw?

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Never mind! I just found the buzz diagnosis pages on Should have checked there first!
could be cut too low but more than likely the nut slot is not cut on the proper angle....we call the sound it makes "sitaring". just cut the slot on a greater back angle and see if that fixes it

good luck


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