I came across your site and thought that I can possibly ask you this question. I have a older Epiphone LesPaul which I purchased from a garage sale for $100 and the original owner had covered the whole body with a multicolor stuck on paper (kind of like a Hendrix psychedelic multi-color motif) and had applied a varnish on top of that. The neck and headstock were untouched and in their original honey burst color. I am assuming that the body is also honey burst.
What would be the best approach/product varnish decapper that I can use to remove the varnish and stuck on paper so that I can get to the original lacquer? I came across Circa 1850 decapper for furniture, but I am not sure since this is a guitar.
Any suggestion would help. I can send pictures to give you an idea of the guitar.
Tags: LesPaul, lacquer, refinishing
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