Hey everyone anybody have any funny stories about weird stuff in a case or guitar? i did a repair on an old d-28 and found about 30 years worth of fingernail and toenail clippings more gross than funny but thats all i got. found some illegal stuff to but i'll leave that up to your imagination.

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Honest to God, Officer, it's pumice. No, really.

I collect guitar and violin strings new and in packages of old strings. I have lots of them .

Also I buy a lot of old slide guitars and Dobro's and I love the old picks and slides I find.

Also I collect old violin bridges when I replace with new ones. That is interesting.

I see a lot of rattle snake rattles .I don't collect them!!!

The oldest case I have is a coffin one for a 1800 guitar.

I was repairing something in an old Martin with my hand in the soundhole when a large bright colored spider crawled up my arm and onto the top of the guitar. I was holding something in the guitar and it got away before I could extricate myself.
Hopefully it has not harmed the delicate ecosystem of NYC. True story, very creepy:)
best, Evan
Kitty once pee'd in my D28 case...made my guitar sticky to the touch.Got a new case quick.Smell would never have left.
I found a business card from 20 years ago from my MOM while she was Director of Hospice in a hollow Body Guitar a Guitar I picked up for repair from a member of my Church who is new and would have never known her 20 years ago weird hu no .GOD works is great ways O yea
I found mud dauber nests in a guitar in for repair, and one with cockroach casings. EEEWWWW!
I had a lady bring a guitar into the shop that she said had been in her garage for years, it was an old gibson. I was feeling around inside (checking the braces) and felt something odd. It was a dead rat.
I should have charged her extra. I also had to fish out all the Mr. potato head accessories out of an upright bass. Aren't kids great


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